
How can I find photos?

In the database you can search for photos by browsing the folders on the mail page. If you are looking for specific images, you can use the search option in the upper right corner. You can search for names of species, keywords etc. More info on the search-option can be found by clicking ‘Search’ in the upper blue banner.


Where can I see details of the photos?

The title of the photos is shown under the photos. Possibly you have to hover your mouse over the photo to see the title. When you click an image and view it at large format (not in an index page) you will see ‘Tags’ on the right side of the photo. Here are the keywords shown that are attached to the photo. These give more specific info op the image including English, German and scientific names of species.


How can I make a selection of images?

When you click a photo and view it at large format (not in an index page) you will see ‘Add to selction’ on the righthand side above the photo.  When you click this, the photo is added to a kind of shopping basket. When you refresh the screen of continue searching a shopping basket will appear in the upper banner. Here you can view and edit your selection.


How can I send my selection?

Through the website is is possible to sent your selections to Paul van Hoof. This can be done in several ways. Direct ordering of images is not possible.

If you have made a selection (see above) you can click the shopping basket in the upper banner. You will see an overview of you selection. When you are satisfied you can click ‘Proceed to Checkout’. Next you can fill out your contact details and send the selection to Paul. In a separate email you can explain your wishes.

It is also possible you save images on your computer using the right mouse button and send the images using your own emailing program. Sending just the (full) title of the images is sufficient as well.


Do I need to pay online?

No, it is not possible to make online payments. If you place an order you will recieve an invoice.


Can I download images?

You can view images in low resolution. The images have a watermark. It is possible to save images on your computer using the right mouse button. Since the images are copyrighted it is not allowed to spread the images by any means.

It is not possible to download images in high resolution. You have to order these from Paul van Hoof. This can be done by e-mail, phone or using the selection option as described above. Paul will send the images to you digitally as soon as possible.


How much do the photos cost?

The prices are affected by many factors. The usage of the images, prints or publications, the purpose, size and number of photos. You can understand it is not possible to give a fixed price. Please feel free to contact Paul about prices for your purpose.

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